In a vacuum filled with free charges, a luminous cloud is brighter than flame, which is ionized plasma. It is like soft lightning or solar wind blowing in the thermosphere if touched. From the center of the nucleus to the outer layer, light from bright to dark, the arc of light rotates around the nucleus, shifting from purple to pink and finally flashing red.
The edge of the sun's halo is filled with highspeed particles that collide with each other, break free from the sun's gravity, and produce magnetic arcs that scatter in space. The splendid spectacle comprises simple elements, like gazing at a collision of charged particles from the infinite.
Nuclear bulb is made of three layers of spherical glass, each of which is connected to a pair of electrodes. Imagine the atmosphere where air becomes thinner at higher altitudes. The sky would appear a transition from bright to dark.
Three interlaced lightning flashes are formed through the circuit's sequential connection. Light travels along the shortest path. The arc of light in the outer layer bends as it passes around the nucleus, randomly changing orbits. The fluctuation of arc jumps in the quantum state of the light.