"When Reality is limited in its composition, isolated from the Thing itself, the whole realm of the original essence in a state where it cannot be thought, in the midst of this finiteness, thinking becomes free."
Confronted with the strange and indecipherable objects of nature, the artist attempts to transcend the boundaries of sensual experience and achieve her own dynamic revolution. The landscape in her hands will no longer remain an ontological representation, but will be thrown into an undulating vacuum medium, undergoing another internal transformation.Confronted with the strange and indecipherable objects of nature, the artist attempts to transcend the boundaries of sensual experience and achieve her own dynamic revolution. The landscape in her hands will no longer remain an ontological representation, but will be thrown into an undulating vacuum medium, undergoing another internal transformation.
In Nefo's artistic installation, with inert gases as the medium, helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), and xenon (Xe), single-atom gas charges gain energy and jump to high-energy states to shine away from the nucleus. These shimmering clouds of flowing ionized gases perform their own variable work - a constant leap, a transition from ground state electrons to free electrons, where electrons and ions collide or compound during their movement, releasing light of a specific wavelength. This transformation is both free and bound.
The alternating currents, the cloud-like release of light, are bounded in the vessel, constantly and cyclically changing. In the transition from being to becoming, a new cycle of life is formed.
— Minato